Tuesday, February 27, 2024

jOoHSUhP - Two Reviews

 jOoHSUhP - Two Reviews


 jOoHS UhP: 'Big' (jOoHSUhp Bandcamp)

So imagine this happened: Wayne's World has been mysteriously moved to below decks on the USCSS Starfreighter, Nostromo, where Brett and Parker hang out with Wayne and Garth, exchanging fart jokes, secret hand shakes and Grand Theft Auto hacks. It's a party where, when the Alien shows up, he brings along Face Huggers modified into Multi Chambered Hydraulic Turbo-Fusion CyberChill Dab-Ponics Bongs. Ripley, wearing a black tube top, camo pants, a pair of sick Nike’s, and a baseball hat with ‘BROOKLYN’ in big block letters across the front, arrives with a bag of pizza rolls, chili cheese fries, twinkies and Jonsey, her cat, who, unaccountably, is sporting a mohawk.

Oh, it's a party!

And if I were asked to sountrack this get down? I think I could do worse than suggest jOoHS UhP: 'Big'. (jOoHSUhP on Bandcamp).

jOoHS UhP is a tangle of 4 or 5 kids (actually, it's just two - but who knew!?!), who, I would guess, get together in someone’s basement, drink beer, compare skateboard scrapes and bruises, shit talk for an hour or so, and, then, inspired by one of them leaping up and yelling, 'My dick's so hot my pee feels cold', rummage around under the couch for a beat-up Roland or MicroKORG, plug in, hit record, and begin to assault their neighbor's ear drums and a variety of sine waves.

And it's a wild ride: here, it sounds like a Kraken caught in a closet with Raymond Scott and a rabid coyote; there, it blasts out amphetamine collages of noise with bursts of grunts, growls, frog croaks and bowel thumps.
There's a track, 'I'm Sorry,' that's a minute and a half of what sounds like an AI floor polisher going slowly mad in a dark hallway of the Overlook Hotel. Or ‘Black Cherry’ with a slow romilar roll, twangy, dragged out percussive thumps and a fuzzy, catatonic vocal layered over a sinewy trap beat and anchored by deep synth moans that burble up like something from a sea-sick whale. ‘Pretzels’ whangs against your head with a clatter of triphammer beats, industrial strength blarts and slow, queasy keyboard rumbles – while the singer sneers in a thick, greasy voice something about having pretzels in his eyes and having enough salt… oh, and garden gnomes!

Elsewhere, say on ‘Bitchin' In This Bitch’, they begin with some Depeche Mode perkiness laced with a high, clear, ringing icicle drip of tones that quickly morphs into a breathless race to jam in words and beats.

My favorite, though, might be ‘No We Don't Wanna Make Good Music. We Tried And It's Boring’ where the boys throw in everything they got: slow-mo sexy vibe, a shit-ton of blips, bleeps, staggers and skitters, and, wouldn’t you know it, a drunk cowboy ramble that shades into a ferocious Capt Beefheart shouter.

What can I say?!?

‘Party on’!

*A quick note on production: I don’t know what these guys used to create and record the material here, but the sound is very good: clean (where it’s supposed to be); fuzzed out and dirty (where they want it); packed tight as the wire in a hand grenade with every bit of noise fit in like a puzzle and no pieces left over or jammed into the wrong spot. This release is clearly meant to be fast, fun and chaotic – which it is! Nevertheless, the whole package is put together with a fair amount of inventiveness and attention to detail and it’s interesting to take note of the casual professionalism that undergirds the silliness and makes it work. You know… Beavis and Butthead with mad skills.

I like the way they describe their sound themselves: ‘Beats so distorted you can't tell what the fuck is happening accompanied by over-compressed nonsense lyrics and other poorly mixed garbage. We got some good tracks too.’ ( https://joohsuhp.bandcamp.com/album/best-ovv-joohs-uhppppppp )

Yeah, they do!

@glasssrecords @joohsuhp


jOoHS UhP: 'Juice. Feet. Milk.'
15 track album released 9-27-2022 on jOoHSUhp Bandcamp

Dollar Store surrealists of sound, jOoHS UhP make a helluva clatter, mostly in a unique Anarcho-HipHop DNA strain all their own, ranging from something like Man Ray and Raymond Scott collaborating on the soundtrack for a Tex Avery animation of Duchamp's Cubist masterpiece, 'Nude Descending A Staircase (No. 2)' to that time a National Guard ammo dump caught fire on Uranus.

Sort of. But not quite. It is its own critter.

Blasting out piano plinks and brown notes with equal abandon, 'Juice. Feet. Milk.' is wildly inventive and extravagently entertaining, bursting at the seams with beats, blarts and bloopers. To my ear, there's a very welcome pitch of the kind of sonic overload and nosebleed, sledgehammer satire indulged in by Uncle Al back in the RevCo days of 'Beers, Steers and Queers'.

So, if you are intrigued by the notion of Bevis and Butthead helping the Beastie Boys pound out a cover of Throbbing Gristle's 'Hamburger Lady', then this buds for you.

Don't wait to hear it on the hydrogen jukebox in Mos Eisley's cantina -- snag it now:

jOoHSUhP on Bandcamp

Thursday, February 22, 2024


 If the term Country Goth evokes for you a hayseed Robert Smith dressed in black broadcloth & carrying a banjo & a bible while riding the circuit on a flop eared mule through the backcountry of the Arkansas Territory – well, you might be on to something.

Sometimes reversed to Gothic Country or narrowed to the awkward but accurate Deathgrass & often enough thrown into the overstuffed grab bag of Americana, this is a style of music that is surprisingly flexible enough to encompass raucous barndance hoedowns & lonesome axe murderers morosely plinking away on a dulcimer deep in the Dark Forest of the Doomed.

Heck, Colorado practically invented one of the major strands of this kind of music with the pioneering Slim Cessna’s Auto Club breaking ground for Munly and the Lupercalians, 16 Horsepower, Wovenhand & The Denver Gentlemen. All these are incestuous intertextual arrangements of performers who tend to dip their ladles into a boiling pot of shared themes and obsessions: hard luck & high wind, cold beer & hot blood, unfaithful hearts & implacable revenge – the Lord’s Lightening & the Sinner’s Remorse. Songs full of moonchop, broken teeth, black roses & hawk talons. Songs about those days, & there are many, when what’s given with one hand is taken away, with interest, by the other.

All of which is a roundabout way of recommending a very fine entry to the above category: Tensas: Let The River Speak (Tall Tale Records)

Tensas (one guy? more?) is a transplant from Louisiana who now makes his home somewhere in the Colorado Springs area.

Favoring simple, lean arrangements as quick & clean as a knife between the ribs, song lyrics of bitter loss and hollow victory, the ten tracks on the album are delivered in a dry, laconic, deadpan voice: fatal & fatalistic at the same time.

The album delivers on its promise that it is ‘the funeral procession you didn’t know you needed.’

Join me and the rest of the mourners & give it a listen.


'Let The River Speak' Bandcamp
Tall Tale Records


Church Fire, 'Puppy God' (Witch Cat Records)
--This 2022 album from Church Fire is a wonder -- the songs veer from sounding like Enya lost in the ice-caves of Barsoom on to something unheimlich and dangerous -- moments that seethe with a joy and rage held in impossible tension in the same moment -- as tho you are eavesdropping on Medusa teaching her snakes to sing and as she swings a glance toward you, you feel your skin begin to tighten into stone.


Church Fire Bandcamp
Witch Cat Records





Saturday, February 17, 2024

RollerCoaster: Now Is Different Review

RollerCoaster: 'Now Is Different'

(Reglar-Daddy Academy, 2023) CD, Spotify, Bandcamp, iTune

'For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country'
John, 4:44

So there's some back story to this.

RollerCoaster is Mike Chappelle, vocals and lyrics, and Henry 'Broz' Rowland, backing vocals and music.

I met Mike Chappelle sometime in 1979, not long after Dave Stidman and I bought Wax Trax Records from the guys who then took off for Chicago to get on with a store and label out there. Mike had a band, The Gluons, and we, Wax Trax, had a party planned for early 1980: The First Annual Wax Trax Crash Party.

'Crash', you see, from when a car crashed into Wax Trax in February, 1979 -- a crash that took out a big chunk of brick and glass and part of the side of our building. In the winter. At night. It was fucking cold.

Worse, we lost a lot of vinyl LPs and 45s. Some of it from the car smashing into racks and boxes and some of it from looting by people passing by. Yeah, great world.

Anyway, it took us awhile but we were back up on our feet and wanted to kick out the jams so we decided to throw a party, a crash party. We put some money down for a night at the Slovenian Hall out in Globeville at 45th & Washington.

And we started lining up bands: The Young Weasels, The Jetsons, Leroy X, The Defex... and The Gluons, Chappelle's band, their first gig ever: Saturday, Feb. 16, 1980. As the flyer says, 'Live Vile Brutal Punk Music. 7:00PM to 2:00PM.' Yeah, long night.

It was a great, crazy party. In the winter. At night. It was fucking cold. The bands, tho, were on fire. The crowd was wild, drunk off their asses, pogoing, skanking, wearing black plastic trash bags and enough safety pins and metal spikes and studs to set off metal detectors a mile away. But the party's another story, one for another day.

*The flyer you see here was handmade by yours truly on a xerox of the Denver Police Report the cop handed me the night of the crash, Feb. 7, 1979. My talents as a graphic artist have been sorely neglected for the last 40+ years but I could come out of retirement for the right offer. Let me know.

So, yeah, Mike Chappelle, The Gluons... RollerCoaster.

I liked The Gluons. Lean, clean, bonehard New Wave -- before New Wave became a phrase you used to describe Haircut 100 or Kajagoogoo (don't know 'em? look 'em up -- keep the barf bag handy!).

Chappelle has a knack of running into people, Norman Mailer, Noam Chomsky... Allen Ginsberg. So Chappelle met Ginsberg and talked him into doing a recording of one of Allen's poems, 'Birdbrain', with The Gluons backing him. Then Mike talked me into paying for and putting the 7" single out: 'Birdbrain' b/w 'Sue Your Parents'; this last being Mike's song: a little preachy - that sort of thing was going around then, a line of descent going from Bob to Bruce and back to a Bob (Geldof) of the Boomtown Rats and a future Knighthood after he and Midge Ure founded the charity supergroup Band Aid to raise money for famine relief in Ethiopia. Mike hasn't been knighted, yet!

Which I did.

So, Mike and I go back, way back.

I also hired him to work at Wax Trax. And, as Mike likes to point out often when we meet for coffee these days, I fired him a few days after I hired him. And, yes, I did fire him... Fun is Fun; but, of course, Business is Business.

Music, tho, isn't business. Or, rather, it's not always business.

And that, skipping over a lot, brings us to RollerCoaster.

RollerCoaster, 'Now Is Different', is a four track CD with one standout bit, two damn good pieces and one that's ok but not going to set the world on fire. And here's the kicker: Mike wants to set the world on fire.

So let's just stick with the fire: 'Subcellular Cognitive Warfare Blues'. I'm going to go out on a limb here and just say it out loud: I think this is a great song! A Barnburner! A Thumper - set this going and head for the nearest sietche because it is going to call up Shai-Hulud and set him dancing - you won't want to be caught on the sand: you're going to want to know where you stand.

The musical backbone of 'Subcellular...' is lifted pretty much from Bob Dylan's 'Subterranean Homesick Blues', which was released in 1965 and is one of the great all-time Thumpers in itself - a classic of Sixties paranoia and finger-pointing: 'Keep a clean nose / Watch the plain clothes / You don't need a weatherman / To know which way the wind blows...'

Mike and Broz have given that melody a slinkier feel, sinister and hypnotic, cold fusion with four on the floor. You'll like it.

Mike's vocal is whispery, reedy, conspiratorial as he tugs at your elbow and warns you about how dangerous the world we live in is right now: 'Shake shake shake, Sleepers awake / How much reality can you take?'

And what is that 'reality'?

Well, 'Nano swarm / Aerosol / Small robotic units / Wearables Implantable / Digital Credentials / Brain space / Interfaced / Inner space / Know your place...'

It keeps getting realer: 'Drugs, Bugs, Drugs, Bugs, Toxins, and Devices... Supply chain crashing / Chain chain chain of fools / Lining up, rationing / Strange things happening / Factories burning / Sabotaging... Look out kid / Nothing you already did / Pre-crime's / Predicting / When you'll / Flip your lid.'

And then, maybe, just plain too much 'real': 'Kill Shots / Blood clots / Automatons / Athletes on the field / Dropping...'

Yes, listening to this you might think Mike has flipped his own lid - he and I have spent a lot of hours arguing over this stuff. And while I don't agree with a lot of what Mike's on about, I know this is a dangerous world and there are lot of bad people out there looking to do us harm.

And Mike isn't just pointing a finger. He has hope and he has advice: 'Don't follow leaders... / Take your time / Dig yourself / Reinvent the wheel / Dig yourself / Run your mouth / Act on what you feel / To your own conscience / Make an appeal / Subcellular / Cognitive / Warfare / It's real.'

'Run your mouth'. Mike does that a lot. I do that a lot. You should too. Let's all do it. Raise your voice. Be heard.




RollerCoaster Bandcamp

Mike today...(Wax Trax Sidewalk Show)

Mike yesterday... (Gluons at the Crash Party)


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